updatepanel c# ✅

How does the updatepanel postback?

In this section we will see the update panel asp.net with an example of the correct way to use the updatepanel control with c #, then we have a page called administration.aspx in which we have a button where the Clicking will make an asynchronous call to the server and will not update the whole page, that is, it will not do all the postbak. Only the section of the TextBox will be updated using the "updatepanel triggers" control. We will show you the code on the side of the aspx and we are explaining to you:

update panel asp.net example

a) The ContentTemplate and Triggers ; these two controls are mandatory and are within UpdatePanel and within ContentTemplate must be the Panel node and inside it you can place any object from a control to TextBox or image depending on the design of the page, with the purpose that you only update everything that is inside the updatepanel asp.net of c#, you can use several updatepanel in all the page having the control of each section if you wish it. In this case we are only occupying one for the example.

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b) In the update panel of asp.net the trigger is the control in which we will indicate by means of the AsyncPostBackTrigger to which event of a specific object the action will be executed, in this example, the button btnBanner is declared in its Click event in which we want to update the content of the updatepanel where we have the TextBox. In other words, when you click on the btnBanner button, the TextBox will update only with the following message: "Enter the btnBanner_Click event successfully" if the text is placed in the button control.

update panel asp.net example UpdateProgress

c) "UpdateProgress" ; This control is important because it shows the image of a gif image in what the server asks to show the content in the updatepanel at the moment of pressing the button will be displayed and when the request finishes it will hide this control helps a lot to your website for the user, this control must be of the ContentTemplate so that it works in automatic. Remember that it is very important that when you open a node you must close it.

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d) Finally this is the result of our exercise where we use updatepanel of aspx where the control UpdatePanel and those that depend on it do a specific function and the objective of make an asynchronous call from a single section of our website to the server.     

Note: The updatepanel control of asp.net is very useful because it helps us to prevent the entire web page from being updated in its entirety because if the user is positioned at the bottom of the page and makes a call to the server half a button this will make the whole webpage be updated by returning to the top of the page and the user will have to go back to the section in which it was "bottom", this is uncomfortable for the user and not very functional, but now with the updatepanel control postback we will avoid this programming error, as we explained previously, you do not have to worry about this part with the UpdatePanel and with the help of the UpdateProgress control it is even better since it simulates the loading of the page and the user will give security, because with this you have the perception that the page is loading or failing is doing something.

In this section we will place the code of an example of an updatepanel fileupload highlighting the fileupload control so that they can do the complete exercise so that they can load one or several files and can review in detail if they have correctly the syntax, since the common error is because the updatepanel asp controls are not well-suited and it will not work, remember that it is important that the triggers are outside the ContentTemplate so that you can do the postback updatepanel. Here I leave the update panel asp.net with the example, I hope it serves.

updatepanel aspx

     < asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="HeadContent" runat="server">
        < script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.2.js">
        < script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
            function showProgressforGenerate() {
                var updateProgress = $get("<%= upConfirmacionProgress.ClientID %>");
                updateProgress.style.display = "inline-block";
                document.getElementById('imgCarga').style.display = "none";
                = '< asp:Image ID="LoadImage" runat="server" 
                ImageUrl="~/Resources/Img/ajax-loader.gif" />
                < br/>< strong>Generating..';
        < /script>
          < /asp:Content>
          < asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
               < asp:UpdatePanel ID="upGrid" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
                  < ContentTemplate>
                      < asp:Panel ID="panelDatosCliente" runat="server" Width="1029px">
                          < div style="width: 100%">
                              < tr>
                                   < td style="width:100px">
                                < table>
                                    < tr>
                                        < td>
                                  < table style="width:50%">
                                  < caption>
                                      < fieldset style="display: block;">
                                          < legend class="rosa_grueso" style="border-color: #CE007E; height: 33px;">
                                          < img src="../../Resources/Img/resultado.png" alt="info" />1.- Cargar Banner
                                      < /fieldset>
                                      < tr>
                                          < td>
                                      < /tr>
                                      < tr>
                                      < td>
                                          < asp:FileUpload ID="Banner" runat="server" accept="image/jpg, image/jpeg" 
                                          AllowMultiple="true" Width="394px"  maxRequestLength ="20480" />
                                      < /td>
                                      < td>
                                          < asp:Button ID="btnBanner" runat="server" Height="36px" OnClick="btnBanner_Click" 
                                          Text="Guardar"  OnClientClick="showProgressforGenerate()"  />
                                      < /td>
                                      < /tr>
                                      < tr>
                                          < td colspan="2">
                                      < /tr>
                                  < /caption>
                                  < /table> 
                                        < /td>
                                    < /tr>
                            < /table>
                              < /td>
                          < /tr>
                          < /div>
                          < div class="row" style="height: 55px;">
                          < /div>
                          < div align="center">
                              < asp:UpdateProgress ID="upConfirmacionProgress" runat="server">
                                  < ProgressTemplate>
                                          < div id="progressBackgroundFilter_UpdatePanel" >
                                              < /div>
                                      < asp:Image ID="imgCarga" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Resources/Img/ajax-loader.gif"
                                      < br />
                                      Se esta ejecutando el proceso......
                                  < /ProgressTemplate>
                              < /asp:UpdateProgress>
                          < /div>
                          < div align="center">
                              < br/>
                              < br/>
                                < p style="text-align: center; color:blueviolet;">
                                    < asp:Label ID="usuario_error" runat="server" Text="">
                              < br/>
                              < br/>
                          < /div>
                      < /asp:Panel>
                  < /ContentTemplate>
                   < Triggers>
                        < asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID="btnBanner"/> 
                   < /Triggers> 
              < /asp:UpdatePanel><
          < /asp:Content> 

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updatepanel button

                        protected void btnBanner_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                              if (Banner.HasFile)

                                      HttpFileCollection hfc = Request.Files;

                                      if (hfc.Count < 101)
                                          for (int i = 0; i < hfc.Count; i++)

                                              var allKeys = hfc.AllKeys;
                                              var allKey = allKeys[i];

                                              if (allKey == "ctl00$MainContent$Banner")
                                                  HttpPostedFile hpf = hfc[i];

                                                  if (hpf.ContentLength > 0)
                                                      if ((Path.GetExtension(hpf.FileName).ToUpper() == ".JPG" ||
                                                           Path.GetExtension(hpf.FileName).ToUpper() == ".JPEG"))
                                                          var imagenBanner = hpf.FileName.Split('.').First();

                                                          if (imagenBanner == "banner_01" || imagenBanner == "banner_02" ||
                                                              imagenBanner == "banner_03" || imagenBanner == "banner_04" ||
                                                              imagenBanner == "banner_05")
                                                              hpf.SaveAs(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Resources/Images/TiendaOnline/Banner/") +

                                                              mostrarMsj("Revise que el nombre del o los archivos sea el correcto");


                                                              "El formato de archivo no es correcto, el formato permitido es JPEG");

                                                          "Revise que la imagen no este rota o dañada");


                                          mostrarMsj("El maximo de imagenes no debe revasar los 100 archivos, por favor revise");
                                          //mostrarSistema.Visible = false;


                                      mostrarMsj("Carga de Banner Correcto");

                                  catch (Exception ex)
                                      //btnProcesaImagen.Enabled = true;
                                      usuario_error.Text = ex.ToString();

Finally this is the result of our exercise.

We will be publishing a detailed example about the AsyncFileUpload control which helps us load one or several files to the database and thus completing a complete exercise of the user control updatepanel in which we will detail step by step how to do this load correctly without having no error when creating the updatepanel control, good without more for the moment we thank you for visiting us do not forget to comment on our blog.

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